Dear Friends,
I believe the answer to above question is Yes! If researchers of computer science try to
discover the innate nature and essential characteristics uniquely and
universally shared by each and every known physical functional component, I
can’t find any valid reason why the researchers could fail. The last several
paragraphs are dedicated to support this answer (please let me know, if there
is any flaw).
If the answer is Yes, why is it not possible to invent equivalent
software components sharing the innate nature and the essential
Let me define what is meant by essential characteristics: The essential
characteristics are the minimum set of properties uniquely and universally
shared by each and every known physical functional component. That is, if ‘X’
is an essential property, no physical functional part can be a functional component
without having the property ‘X’, and the physical functional component could no
longer be a physical component, as soon as it looses the property ‘X’.
In software applications, we only deal with functional components and
larger components are more useful, so as a first step I am only interested in
discovering such essential characteristics of the physical functional
components. This also eliminates possible conflicts and confusion in case of
border or fringe cases and non-functional parts such as bolts, nuts, washers
and other individual pieces of metal (e.g. panels for car such as bumper,
bonnet or grill), plastic or glass (e.g. windshield glass or mirror). Of
course, a functional component such as auto-engine may be created by assembling
multiple pieces or parts of metal.
Let me provide background for how and why I started this research
I accidentally stumbled onto a GUI library that is capable of
implementing a class definition by encapsulating the application code for any
GUI-application (where the class definition is referred to as RCC-Replaceable
Component Class). These RCCs can be used to assemble these applications as
sub-components to build larger and larger RCCs (for building larger and larger
container-components). In this case, it required just 3 lines to assemble each
replaceable component by using respective RCC, and the component can be
effectively removed by removing the 3 lines. For example, this sample
application is created by 6 such RCCs:
After implementing application code for many small GUI-applications as
RCCs, it was fascinating to see even junior developers able to build complex
GUI-applications having hierarchy of replaceable components by using each of
the RCCs to assemble each of the replaceable components. It induced
irresistible curiosity more than 10 years ago and decided to focus on this
research. Another thing, I felt (after creating hundreds of hierarchies of
replaceable components) that the replaceable components are equivalent to the
ideal physical functional components and each of the hierarchy of replaceable
components is logically equivalent to the CBD-structure (one of the essential
aspects of the CBD design of physical products). See CBD-structure:
This kind of experiments made me consider the possibility that it is
possible to invent real components for software that are equivalent to physical
functional components for achieving real CBD for software (e.g. by achieving a
structure equivalent to the CBD-structure for any software application).
After careful observation of many large physical functional components,
I believed, there exists a mysterious property that is uniquely and universally
shared by each and every known physical functional component. I could not find
any terminology to describe the mysterious property. After further research and
making satisfactory progress and beginning to grasp the innate nature, I named
the mysterious property ‘self-contained’, since I felt that the term
“self-contained” roughly (or vaguely) fits the intended meaning of the
mysterious property.
So I created a hypothesis that each and every physical functional
component shares an essential property, which I named “self-contained”. I must
validate this hypothesis for discovering the nature by employing a scientific
process. I used the following method (which I believe is a widely used proven
scientific method) to discover the intended meaning of term “self-contained”:
I believe, any software expert can discover the intended meaning of
‘self-contained”, but it is not a simple task to discover the innate nature and
the essential characteristics of the physical functional components. If this
task is simple, software engineering would not be in this mess. For example,
existing software engineering paradigm has been evolving for decades by relying
on an erroneous postulation (or axiom or hypothesis), which defined the term
‘software components’ as an alias to ‘software parts’ either having useful
properties (e.g. reuse or standardized etc.) or conform to so called component
models. I believe, this task to discover is not impossible either. I believe,
it requires few weeks of intense experimentation, critical analysis of facts
and focused mind exercises or critical thinking (e.g. to overcome conformation
bias, perceptions and basic concepts of deeply entrenched existing paradigm) to
achieve gestalt’s shift.
Each large software application comprises of multiple ‘self-contained’
parts or modules. Since the essential property of ideal functional components
is not yet discovered, today the chief software architects and designers of
large software applications are not putting any conscious effort to identifying
‘self-contained’ parts or modules exist in the applications. I am proposing a
new kind of CBD (Component Based Design) that requires identifying the multiple
‘self-contained’ parts or modules and implement the application code for each
of the ‘self-contained’ parts or modules as an RCC (Replaceable Component
Each of the RCCs must require no more than 3 to 5 lines of code to
assemble the respective replaceable component, and one must be able to effectively
remove this replaceable component by removing the said 3 to 5 lines. It is
preferable to not implement any more code for communication or configure each
of the object instances of RCCs (i.e. replaceable components), so each
replaceable components must rely on an intelligent CASE tool to collaborate
with other components or parts of the container application. A internal
implementation of a sample intelligent CASE tool is illustrated in FIG-3 at:
Therefore, the essential pre-requisite for the proposed CBSD (Component
Based Design for Software) is discovering the essential properties of ideal
functional components (of the physical world) to positively identify equivalent
components in the context of software applications (a virtual world). That is,
if the essential property is ‘self-contained’ (as I proposed), the software
designer of an application must discover the intended meaning of the term
‘self-contained’ for positively identifying large self-contained parts in his
software applications.
The primary differences between existing software design and proposed
design for any large software application is: The chief designer must discover
the essential properties (e.g. intended meaning of term ‘self-contained’) for
positively identifying multiple ‘self-contained’ parts or modules. Implement
each of the ‘self-contained’ parts or modules as a RCC, where each of the RCCs
must rely on an instance of intelligent CASE-tool (included in the application
by using a reusable class) for collaborating with other components and parts of
the application.
It is not hard to implement a reusable class for the intelligent
CASE-tool that can maintain coupling-interfaces of each of the components and
facilitate communication between any two components by couplings the interfaces
of components. Once a ‘self-contained’ part or module is identified, it is not
hard to implement the application code in a set of exclusive files associated
with a class definition referred to as RCC (in any modern Object-oriented
programming languages such as C++, Java or C#).
In case of GUI-applications, the task of identifying self-contained
parts or modules is less complex. In case of non-GUI-applications, the task of
identifying self-contained components is more complex. That is, it requires lot
more practice, knowledge and expertise not only on the innate nature of the
component but also respective domains of non-GUI-applications.
However there is a catch-22 situation: In case of GUI-application, even
though it is less complex to identify self-contained parts or modules, but no
other GUI library (e.g. Windows/VC++ or Java/Swing) are designed to encapsulate
application code of a self-contained component (e.g. a small GUI-application)
such as City_LandMarks in a class definition. I am only saying that capability
doesn’t exist in each of those GUI libraries (because the vendors of respective
GUI platforms haven’t even heard of replaceable components). I am sure vendors
of respective GUI platforms can quickly implement that capability, if they want
to (e.g. if they discover the replaceable components and believe such RCCs are
The most complex part for achieving real CBSD (Component Based Design
for Software) is discovering the intended meaning of the term “self-contained”.
Discovering the nature help the chief-designer to identify various parts and
functionality or features of the applications that can be implemented as RCCs
(Replaceable Component Classes).
Therefore, the trillion dollar question is: Is it possible to discover
the nature and essential characteristics of ideal physical functional parts? I
believe, the answer is absolutely YES! I am not saying it is easy to make this
discovery. I am only saying that it is not impossible. I can’t give elaborate
argument here, but let me give a simple argument (I am hopping smart people can
connect the dots and fill any gaps or missing pieces). Also I appreciate
finding any flaws or shortcomings to oppose (e.g. cons) or in support (e.g.
pros) of the following argument.
Theoretically it is possible to discover nature (i.e. essential
properties) of any physical being, including components. If attempted to
discover the innate nature and essential characteristics, mankind never failed
to discover the essential characteristics of any physical beings which can be
seen and touched. A big part of basic sciences (e.g. chemistry, botany, zoology
and physics) is to discover the nature (e.g. essential characteristics) of
physical beings and (e.g. essential aspects of) phenomenon. Of course, mankind
already discovered innate nature and essential characteristics of more complex
and diverse species such as mammals, animals, plants, elements, atoms,
molecules and bacteria etc.
Unfortunately it is impossible to find any evidence that researchers of
computer science ever tried to discover the innate nature and essential
characteristics of good old physical functional components (i.e. certainly a
physical being) or essential aspects of good old CBD for physical products
(i.e. logically a physical phenomenon). Without even trying and not even
contemplating, is it wise to assume or argue that it is impossible to discover
the innate nature and essential characteristics of good old physical functional
components (i.e. certainly a physical being) or essential aspects of good old
CBD for physical products (i.e. logically a physical phenomenon).
Let me name one of the exceptions that prove the rule: Scientists not
yet successful in discovering the internal structure and nature of electrons,
protons and neutrons (that are certainly physical beings), for which the
scientists have been using string-theory to make this discovery. An example for
a phenomenon the scientists not yet successful in discovering is origin of
universe, for which the scientists are using theories such as big-bang-theory.
It is very hard to find such rare exceptions. No one disputes the fact that,
the right answer must be an objective Truth (if it is ever discovered). Although
some experts might argue that it is impossible to discover the internal
structure of sub-atomic particles, but all agree that there must exist a unique
answer and the answer is an objective Truth. That is, no one disputes the very
existence of an objective truth, only express doubt about mankind’s ability to
discover the truth any time soon.
Hence there exists an objective Truth for the essential characteristics
and nature of any kind of physical being including for ideal physical
functional components. I can’t find any valid reason, why mankind can’t
discover the objective Truth. We can’t see internal functioning of sub-atomic
particles, but we can see internal functioning of ideal physical functional
components. When tried, mankind never failed to discover the essential
characteristics and nature of any physical being, even if they are 10 times
more complex than physical functional components. Hence, there is no valid
reason, why it is not possible discover the essential characteristics of
physical functional components, if researchers of computer scientists try to
discover innate nature of ideal functional components.
If an alien send to the Earth to find an elephant, the pre-requisite to
successfully accomplish this task the alien must discover or know accurate
description to positively identify the elephants. Likewise, designer of a
software application must know or discover the accurate description (i.e.
objective facts about the essential properties) of ideal functional components
(in the physical world, in the context of the application domain) to positively
identify equivalent software components (of virtual world – an alien landscape)
in the applications.
Sorry for a long background and summary for the above question. If I am
right, correct answer to this question would have profound impact on the
progress of software engineering. I believe it is possible discover the
essential characteristics of physical functional components. Also I believe it
is possible to invent real components for software by having the essential
The exiting software engineering paradigm has been evolving for several
decades by relying on these untested premises (postulations or hypotheses),
which are: Today each kind of software components is nothing but a kind of
software part (or module) either having given useful properties (e.g. reusable
or standardized etc.) or conform to a so called component model. Using one or
more kinds of such so called software components is defined as a kind of CBSE
or CBSD (Component Based Design for Software).
If it is possible to discover the essential properties and when the
essential properties are discovered, the discovery not only exposes errors in
above postulations (or untested premises or hypotheses) that sidetracked
progress of software engineering for decades but also puts back the progress of
software engineering on right tracks by allowing us to invent real components
for software (for achieving real CBD for software, since logically real-CBD for
software requires using real components for software).
P.S: This is posted at:
Best Regards,
Raju Chiluvuri
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